How do you Know if CIPP is an Option?

Advances in trenchless pipe repair have saved business owners thousands of dollars in recent years. On top of repair cost savings, the new methods of pipe repair have saved a ton of time. It’s kept businesses open and life as close to normal as possible. Forgoing large-scale excavations has helped minimize disruption in the wake of pipe problems. That’s why so many people are turning to trenchless pipe repair when something goes wrong with their water or sewage pipe systems. Cured in place piping, or CIPP, is one of the most efficient pipe repair methods out there. It’s an easy fix that keeps pipe systems in good shape. But how do you know if it’s an option for you? Here are some ways to pipe repair companies size up a CIPP job.

Location of Pipe Repair

The location of pipe repairs matter. If your leak or pipe break is located underneath your business, then trenchless pipe repair is the best option. The same goes for if the issue is located underneath a busy street. Traditional pipe repair will require digging, which leads to traffic, business closures, and buildings going without water or sewer services for as long as it takes. Many people have lived through this frustration. With CIPP, the repair can be done without any digging. Technicians use sensors to locate the issues from above ground, then they insert a tube into the damaged pipe. The tube is filled with resins that harden when they’re pushed out and coat the damaged pipe. A new pipe within a pipe is formed without having to tear up any dirt, roads, or floors.

The repair needs to be in a location that CIPP tools can get to, though. Professional pipe repair teams will have to perform an inspection to determine whether CIPP is appropriate.

Size of the Damaged Pipe

The size of a pipe also influences whether trenchless pipe repair is an option. If the pipe is too large or too small for the tools owned by the repair crew, then it could rule CIPP out. CIPP needs specialized technology to succeed. The resin-filled tube needs to be close enough to the damaged pipe to coat it evenly and harden without dripping and causing a blockage in the pipe system. Just like determining whether the location is appropriate, a survey can be done on the pipe system to make sure that the pipe is the right size for trenchless pipe repair.

“What is CIPP?” is an online information source for people interested in trenchless pipe repair. We have been in business for years, helping people learn about the benefits of CIPP and other technologies. If you or someone you know needs pipe repair, contact us today to see how we can help.